The Leaf | Teen Ink

The Leaf

September 11, 2011
By Rotation2 SILVER, El Segundo, California
Rotation2 SILVER, El Segundo, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about"

I walk alone the leaf
The leaf with shining hair and angel eyes
That talks to me, taught me
What makes grief so dry
As I sit on the heart
The heart of green life
And stare into his tear-stained anguished eyes
And listen to his memories
Hidden deep beyond the sky
We climbed up the clouds
To retrieve the broken piece
To come to the land of loneliness
The land of broken shields
He brought me to a place deep beneath the Earth
Where nothing prospers and nothing hurts
All there is, is lobotomized numbness
And the conclusion is all I have left
There is no leaf
There is only theft
Only a mask to reveal the after-work pub of the trickery above
Down below where the fear overcomes the love
Consumes me in a cauldron of life and lies
The sky is red
Accepting the dead
Calling them to its army of mindless depths
A slave to the depressed
And I am next

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