Sunrise. | Teen Ink


September 25, 2011
By kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love Conquers All"

Show of hands.
Who’s about to stay?
And who’s about to go?
Maybe find the answers.
That they’ve been looking for.
I may be out of time.
But I hope it’s not too late.
The sun has yet to rise.
Don’t tell me I should wait.
I’m gone now, I’ve been gone for some time.
I just need my space.
The sun has yet to rise.
The sun has yet to rise.

Why do I
See the world from way up here?
I’m trying to find
A way to face my fears.
I can’t slow down, no.
I’m barely hanging on.
I can’t break through these tears.
They’re building up, yeah.
They’re clouding up my sight.
You know that I’m trying, but
The sun has yet to rise.
The sun has yet to rise.

I’ll break down the
Wall that you’ve put up.
We have the whole night.
The morning is still young.
I’m sure that you know this,
So don’t put up this fight.
I know that you’re tired,
But the sun has yet to rise.
Keep your chin up, babe.
I’m sure you’ll do just fine.
It’s only for awhile, so don’t
Focus on the time.
The sun has yet to rise.

I’ll just sit down, and
Look at what I’ve done.
It seems like such a waste,
But we know what it’s become.
It’s been so hard, but now
I finally can see.
You’ll make no progress,
Without some struggling.
And that’s just what I’ve done.
Pushed myself through all the pain.
And look at what I’ve gained.
I can come back, now
I have some peace of mind.
I’ll breathe in some air,
and I’ll watch the sun rise.
Watch the sun rise.

The author's comments:
It's early in the morning, I'm not feeling as good as I could be, I have a lot on my mind. Here's the result of me attempting to get what's in my head out of my head.

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