You Will Be With Me | Teen Ink

You Will Be With Me

October 3, 2011
By KrazyKas SILVER, Everett, Washington
KrazyKas SILVER, Everett, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over, smle because it happened.&quot; <br /> ~Dr. Suess

I carry your heart with me
As I soar on wings like eagles
Touching the sky with my finger
And going to unknown places

I will think of you often
As I go on to live my life
Searching for a place to call home
Before I return to you

You will think of me also
As I leave you behind
To explore the glorious vast world
That is spread out before me
We will stay in each other’s hearts
Never giving up on our dreams
And living in hope that we will
One day be together forever

The author's comments:
This poem i wrote while i was thinking about my boyfriend, and when i go off to study abroad in Australia.

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