What I Have Done | Teen Ink

What I Have Done

October 4, 2011
By FallingForNothing BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
FallingForNothing BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I&#039;m not crazy; I&#039;m a froot loop in a world of cheerios.<br /> -Me

Words roll of of my tongue easy.
A new me with every letter.
If only truth were this simple.
Maybe, then, I would tell it.
But it isn't.

Tears slip down my cheek silently.
Blurred eyes than can't see.
Empty lungs gasp for air
But remain shut, oxygen unwelcomed.
I wish I could fade away
with no evidence left of my existence.

Blades slice effortlessly.
They graze my skin
and kiss my flesh,
greeting blood like an old friend.
Scars multiply like bunnies.
Bloody, hating bunnies.
I am the bunny.

Tender hands hold me softly.
They comfort me,
melting away the pain.
Minutes melt away with it.
It has been hours.

Wheels spin recklessly.
I cannot control anything.
And then it happens.
I feel nothing.
I want to feel something.
Pain feels better than nothing.

I see the scars.
I smell the blood.
I taste the emptiness.
I hear silence.
I feel nothing.
And I wonder
What I have done wrong.

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