This Lord Do I Ask | Teen Ink

This Lord Do I Ask

October 26, 2011
By Adelheid BRONZE, Mojave, California
Adelheid BRONZE, Mojave, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Practice makes the master.<br /> Where there is will there is power.

That thou mayest give me patience,
As I trod life's stony way;
And if procces of time,
Reach yonder glorious day.

That I may be temperate,
In all that I do;
And that every act I perform,
Might always glorify you.

That my heart may be filled with joy,
As I serve you here on earth;
Helping souls to reach our blessed hpoe,
Hpoe that in Christ all is new birth.

That thou mayest give me wisdom,
To comprehend your word,O Lord;
That I might free myself,
From Satan's fiery sword.


The author's comments:
"I wrote this poem when I was about 8 or 9 years old.I didn't change anything,not even grammar, it is intact;I still remember that I wrote this after I told a lie and I prayed for God to help me be a good girl-this was actually my prayer wich I wrote down.I had it on an old treasure box and I deciced to share it with the world,I hope you enjoy it-and please comment on it.

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