Love on the Horizon | Teen Ink

Love on the Horizon

October 29, 2011
By d12345677890 BRONZE, Queen Creek, Arizona
d12345677890 BRONZE, Queen Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Shes like the ocean. peaceful and calm,
I loved her always even tho I acted quite immature and dumb,
I looked from east to west,but I chose her from the rest,
She picked me too,but I guess I wasn't the best.

Now we argue and I try and win her back,
I admit I messed up and was reckless,that is a fact,
It takes courage to stand up and admit your own mistakes,
But she is done with this,there are no more dates.

As I am heart broken and teared eyed,
I try my best to carry on,
Its just so hard knowing you lost someone important that you loved dearly and was lost for a dumb little lie.

She's like the wind,moves in all directions and has no barriers around life,
I miss her but she is better off without me just because I'm just causing a draft.
I lost it and I can't go back,its hard for the wind to change direction and go back east

I love you always my dear doesn't matter if we are going from East to West,
You are the apple in my eye and the sugar in my tea,
I love you always and I wish you the best

The author's comments:
I was hearet broken and i was inspired to write a poem.I like writing to let out emotions.i like to use personification and symbolism like i did in this poem.The winds going from East to West represent us going from a good situaion ang going West to going to a bad situation and starting over at the East.
Hopwfully she can see this someday and relize even tho i messed up,i loveed very much.

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This article has 1 comment.

Eve1234 said...
on Nov. 7 2011 at 4:37 pm
Awww that's so cute Danny yu can tell that's straight from the heart