Best Friends! | Teen Ink

Best Friends!

November 8, 2011
By Arizona181 BRONZE, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Arizona181 BRONZE, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What a monster!
What a vile miscreant
What a soulless creature
With a mind of greed and a heart for blood
So why then if you are this do they comfort you when you are down?
Laugh when you do?
It’s because they are afraid
You’re deceiving, you know this
I feel it too
When I’m with you it’s fun
Almost powerful
More than when I’m not
But you snap and you change
Warp into a monster feared by all
Your words are venomous
They sting
They know no boundaries
The supposed loyalty vanishes, all bonds destroyed
And you make your strike
Clean. Clear. Accurate.
All fear this storm of fury, they move
Leave me, stranded, exiled
But when I retaliate to your viscous attack
You stare at me with wonder
Why am I so mean? Can’t I take a joke?
I look around me
As all crawl back to you
Their knees buckle, their eyes glare at mine
As they all repeat like the loyal puppets they are
And there I stand
Stranded. Alone.
With no one to look to
And nowhere to hide.

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