Real me | Teen Ink

Real me

December 2, 2011
By Crying-In-The-Rain BRONZE, Danville, Ohio
Crying-In-The-Rain BRONZE, Danville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don't mind my tears
Don't mind my pain
Don't mind my silence
Don't mind me
I'm not alright
The pain is to much
Silence is my friend, but
Tears betray my feelings
My heart is broken
My body is scared
My soul is beaten
My mind is brusied
Why can't people see
Why don't they care
Why can't they help
Why don't they see
My tears are here
My pain is real
Silence overwhelms me
I don't know what's real
You left me alone
With no good-bye
Just the pain and the darkness i sit in
The screams linger on
Blood stains the floor
Glass is shattered everywhere
In a house full of despair
So many times
You used me and abused me
I don't trust anyone, anymore
All day long
I sit in silence
Crying these useless tears
For the pain you left
My heart is broken
My body is scared
My soul is broken
My mind is brusied
I'm not alright
The pain is to much Silence is my friend, but
Tears betray my feelings
Don't mind my tears
Don't mind my pain
Don't mind my silence
Don't mind me
No one cares
No one helps
No one listens
No one to trust
Your love was a lie
Your every touch, every word
Had no meaning
Why did I believe
Why did I trust
Why did I hope
Why did I love
You didn't care
You didn't listeb
You dodn't help
You didn't love
Maybe I held on for so long
Was because I was a glimpse of hope
That was within your heart

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