"Through the Curtains" | Teen Ink

"Through the Curtains"

December 8, 2011
By tineedog1 BRONZE, Apple Valley, Minnesota
tineedog1 BRONZE, Apple Valley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I felt you last night.

I heard you through the curtains,
Just barely above the floor,
Whispering to the wind.

I saw you fall
Jagged grass, scraping
Arms and legs.

I smelled pomegranate lips,
Smoothly cracked and
Fresh raspberry hair.

I felt you last night.

Through the trees you ran,
With joy and pain.
Cut and
Bloody, your shins
And elbows were lost
In a sea of red.

And you saw me,
Through the curtains,
Just barely above the floor.

You saw me
Seeing you, feeling you.

Smiling, you saw
With the moon reflecting
From your eyes.

I felt you feel last night,
For the first time
In months, in years,
You were alive.

And you saw me
See you

You began to dance.
Swaying arms
Into the wind, whispering
To the sound of the leaves,
You danced.

And I danced.

We danced to the
Earth, with gentle
Quiet whispers, we sang.

I felt the words
Leave your lips, foreign,
They fell off my tongue and
Onto the curtains,
Just barely above the floor.

I scrambled to find them,
To feel them, to place them
Back into my voice.

But they were lost
And so were you.

Hidden from me,
You had gone
With the words.

The author's comments:
This piece has special meaning to me but it can be interpreted in many different ways, so I don't want to take away from the meaning by explaining it.

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This article has 1 comment.

april94anne said...
on Dec. 11 2011 at 1:54 pm
ahh it's really good! wanna tell ME what it's actually about? xD