Colonial Cemetery | Teen Ink

Colonial Cemetery

December 13, 2011
By LaureFitz BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
LaureFitz BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your head up, Princess. Your tiara is falling.

The cobblestones wind through the dull, trampled grass and trees with dying leaves.
Shadows of gravestones waver against the ground below.
Black spires stand guard around the crumbling marble graves.

Sunlight creates a warm afternoon glow as it peeks around the ominous clouds.
Dull colors of the past blend in with a bleak, threatening sky.
A flash of vibrancy occasionally interrupts the dull of the cemetery.

An eerie silence blankets the earth creating a feeling of loss.
The tour guide mumbles, but can not be heard clearly above such a deafening silence.
The quiet is occasionally broken by hushed whispers in respect for the dead.
The grass crunches under our feet as we solemnly march to the next headstone.

The chilly breeze sends shivers down my spine.
I become overwhelmed by feelings of remorse and sorrow for people that I never knew.
I am vaguely aware of a pillow of grass separating my feet from the cold soil.
The lives and souls of over 8,000 people buried around me surround me.

What lives were left behind?
Who has come and wept at this grave?
Remember, remember, remember.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece when we went to Savannah on a class field trip, because to me the cemetery was just awe inspiring.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 30 2012 at 11:05 am
Hey Laure it's Daniel. I like your poem; I never knew you had a talent for writing.

on Dec. 16 2011 at 11:19 am
Karles_Ivy PLATINUM, Sunnyside, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes the bully isn’t the captain of the cheerleaders or the girl who for some reason has it out for only you; sometimes the worst bully of them all is you.- Karles_Ivy

This is truly amazing.! I felt like I was there in the cemetary. I never thought about it that way, usually cemetaries just scare me. You are really gifted.! Keep writing.!