does this love have to end? | Teen Ink

does this love have to end?

December 29, 2011
By Nell-Bells15 BRONZE, Newport, Washington
Nell-Bells15 BRONZE, Newport, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love doesn't excise until you find the right person.

Does this love have to end?
Or can it last for ever?
Can it last a life time,
or will it last for never.

The love that someone finds
Does not have to be questioned
Unless the someone they are with
Shows no sign of affection.

Some people wonder
Is there really true love?
The only way you will ever find out
is if you love and lose.

Some people may ask
How can you tell if one loves you?
but the only way to find this out
Is to prove that you love them too.

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