Your Lies | Teen Ink

Your Lies

January 9, 2012
By KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The question that drives me hazy: am I or others crazy?&quot; - Albert Einstien<br /> &quot;Life is not lost my dying. It is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the small, thousand uncaring ways.&quot; - Winstin Churchill

Liar, liar
Liar in the looking glass
Base here upon my eyes
Do you dare spit you deadly rays?
I follow your voice like a map
And it leads me to another realm
In that realm, a nightmare comes to life
Above me, a black curtain floats
Grey misty clouds creep in and surrounds a tainted moon
almost completely
The ground I stand on is barren
Nothing lives but a
And the stones of
In the wind, there lays a hint of
dirt, maggots, and flesh
I turn slowly to bask in my terror
when my eyes meet my name

in one of the stones
Just as i lose my breath

you force me to face you
Your blood stained shears

sends chills throughout

my neck
I question your reasoning
and you reply,
"Your sweet love is passionate,
But my interests are killer."
Then you kiss me for the last time

The author's comments:
I wrote this whenI just lost someone who was a big part of my life. I was a little mad and upset.

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