If you listen | Teen Ink

If you listen

January 14, 2012
By smilemonkeylover SILVER, Whitewater, Wisconsin
smilemonkeylover SILVER, Whitewater, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...its about learning to dance in the rain

if you listen close
the trees sing a song no louder then a whisper
the grass hums along
and the sky shimmers so bright the reflection is almost iridescent
i take it in
listening 2 the beauty of nature
no one word can describe the peace
flowers untangle from each other and bloom
the night is harsh
rain pours down from the bleeding clouds
crying tears time can only heal
footprints left behind from the day before
memories of the family war
if you listen you can hear
the love, the fear

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