Over You | Teen Ink

Over You

January 12, 2012
By KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The question that drives me hazy: am I or others crazy?&quot; - Albert Einstien<br /> &quot;Life is not lost my dying. It is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the small, thousand uncaring ways.&quot; - Winstin Churchill

Down the hallway, I walk
My eyes wonder the painfully

red lockers
How does this happen?
The inside of my eye twitches
I look down to the black



Breathing the words

She sang
I feel the erosion as my core

Gets coated in acidic juices
I'm done
I'm through
It's obviously OVER


But is it?
Absence acts as a sharp knife
Ripping and tearing my dreams
Of a truly mixed wedding
Of a white and purple dress
Of floating flowers above our heads
I am in over my head
And nowhere from being over you

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