Believe me PLEASE! | Teen Ink

Believe me PLEASE!

February 24, 2012
By Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can be who ever I want to be."

Believe me, Believe me please I beg you
You were always there for me,
I have always needed you.

Why don’t you believe me when I say
I wouldn’t lie to you!
I would never do anything to lose you!

But you walk…
You walk away with out a word.
I beg of you to come back to me!
I miss you so much.

I cant believe that you would trust her over
Me, and I was with you at the time.

Before we were so happy, so in love.
Before everything was different…

All I want is it to go back to that.

But if not then I want you to believe me and
Understand that those rumors were just that RUMORS!

So just take time and think about everything.
Everything that we have been through
All that has been said, all that has been done.

Because if you think about it, what was said doesn’t
Make any sense why would I ever say anything or do anything
That would ever make you leave!

Sweetie I loved you! And I still do!!!
So Please, please I beg of you believe me…

The author's comments:
About a recent break up... it is basically what happened.

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