Gone Away | Teen Ink

Gone Away

March 7, 2012
By Haley2012 BRONZE, Weaver, Alabama
Haley2012 BRONZE, Weaver, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have seen you in my dreams,
Just like a slithering mist in my mind.
Coming through like a light beam.
I hope I see you soon and maybe I will find,
You are searching for me too, along this long path.

You have gone away and you are not coming back,
I have seen your face.
Racking my memories just like face.
Distant thought always race,
I want you here, can you please come back.

Gone away, you have again.
I am on this long ride,
Please, please do not begin,
Without me by your side.
I want you close to me.

I love you so much, why can you not see,
You are my crutch.
Why do you charge a fee
For you to be close to me.

I found you now, you are close again.
Our relationship has been restored.
Please, please you can now begin.
I now can be absorbed,
In your everlasting love.

The author's comments:
This piece is about two things.
The first is about my mother. How she left me when I was sick and never got in contact with me and how we recently started talking again.
The second is how my sister ran away from home and how worried I was when she was gone. They found her and we are working on mending our broken relationship.
Both of these instances have made me into the person I am today. Without these times I would not be who I am. Both of these people have taught me so much and I could not live without them. So thank you to Lisa Balam and Cheyenne Huey, for teaching me that even though bad things happen, something good will come out of it. Even if the situation seems like there is no hope. There is! Everything will work out. Everything will be okay. Just remember, "Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."

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