A Letter to the Universe | Teen Ink

A Letter to the Universe

March 25, 2012
By thehowlingraven BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
thehowlingraven BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

we are left whispering or speechless
by all the impending faceless threats
and pure emotions marred on the page
like the haunting of our timely deaths
the human race; unfiltered love and rage
both flawed and unmistakably real
why can I think any thoughts at all?

you think too much, you’ve seen too much
your restless spirit dreams way too much
at least now I know I’m not a soulless freak
and not just a senseless whisper in the night
memories are footprints emblazoned on the beach
deeper than love, until the tide comes
I confess my sin of excessive passion,
for a moment I was enlightened,
and for a moment I wasn’t human.

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