Life, death and the line that devides them. | Teen Ink

Life, death and the line that devides them.

March 31, 2012
By taintedblack00 BRONZE, Eastsound, Washington
taintedblack00 BRONZE, Eastsound, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. <br /> - Andy Biersack <br /> <br /> Never fear the shadows. They simply mean there&#039;s a light shinning somewhere nearby.<br /> -Ruth E. Renkel

Life and death is such a fine line,
You may think they are worlds apart,
As different as black and white,
But even in black and white there are shades of grey.
No one can tell where life ends and death begins
Because no one really knows what lies in death.
For all we know death could turn out to be so much better.
Even if it is just a black abyss like some say.
Even if it is nothingness.
Life and death, both are always within reach and obtainable.
We simply live our lives then die
But no one truly lives enough to deserve to die.
I guess we can only blame ourselves for that and strive to be deserving of the sweet release of deaths cold grip.

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