Why is that your love kills me? | Teen Ink

Why is that your love kills me?

April 16, 2012
By l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do you love to see me hurt,why do you love to see me cry?Why is my pain and heart ache a good feeling for you?I love you ,but why do you treat me like nothing?Why is everything i do worthless or , just not good enough for you?Why can't i walk away?Why can't i say goodbye?Why am i caught up in your love,if it just kills me slowly? I'm not trying to leave but you keep pushing me away ,then pulling me back in your arms?Why is that when i get the nerve to walk away you pull me back in your arms ,were i suffocate slowly?Why do i tell myself I'll be there no matter what,but at the same time your never there for me?Why is that i ask these question and you do not answer?

The author's comments:
If you ever feel like this ,then do not stay,in the relationship because at the end of the day,this is not love.It's just heart ache.

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