Wars of America | Teen Ink

Wars of America

May 11, 2012
By CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
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Wars happen all the time
We hear about wars and we learn about wars
Wars are apart of history
We learn about them so we don't go through that situation of war again
We also hear all of the rumors of wars yet to come
How many of you young men are going to be the war heroes?
How many of you believe in dying for everyone elses freedom?
How many have lost someone due to freedoms being threatened?
Or different views between countries?
Or one very bad man rising to power?
All of these things are real and dangerous
So that's why I believe in America
I believe in the flag and what it represents
I respect all of the Grandpas, fathers, brothers, and sons who risk or have risked their lives for our beautiful country
Who have earned our right to share opinions, ideas, beliefs
So I give my hope to all of those fathers,brothers,and sons sleeping under those stars, and pledging their blood for our country and freedom

God Bless America!

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