Hershey Kiss | Teen Ink

Hershey Kiss

May 9, 2012
By SUline96 BRONZE, Sloatsburg, New York
SUline96 BRONZE, Sloatsburg, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do it, you wont."

It’s practically a triangle. It’s silver tin foil makes me think of the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. It’s a craving that no one can resist when just inches in front of you. The wrapper crinkles as I peel it away. The scent of it trails up through my noise and it smells like a bottle of Nesquik chocolate milk. Its smushed point melts onto the tips of my fingers as I place it on my tongue. It’s as rich as a block of fudge. My teeth sink into the surface and feel the creamy texture coat the roof of my mouth. The object is like a spoonful of brown sugar, sweet and brown. It’s a gift that every little kid wants to have, a piece of candy....a hershey kiss.

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