A Flash of Heaven | Teen Ink

A Flash of Heaven

May 25, 2012
By JHSenior BRONZE, Wales, Wisconsin
JHSenior BRONZE, Wales, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My steps echo through the halls of the museum
their tap-tap on the tiled floor piercing the silence.
My eyes wander endlessly,
Doors, windows, ceilings, exhibits,
a never-ending eternity of nothing.
But now they rest on an unknown sight ahead,
It’s form or being seems nonexistent.
Tap-Tap-Tap, I rush towards my eyes’ attraction
Curiosity and wonder drawing me closer.
I reach a small box made of glass,
now I see groups of what appears to be stone and rock.
But they appear out of place, unnatural against this backdrop of history.
I watch the light gleam and reflect off the stones,
bending and dancing across the unearthly mound,
They possess a beauty unwavering within its display.
It’s as if a shard of heaven now lies in front of me,
the trumpets and choir of angelical majesty playing deep within.
How would it have looked to those who discovered it so long ago?
Interstellar wonder? An unknown visitor from above? A shard of heaven crashing to earth?
I don’t know what this piece of the sky pertains of our world.
But its age unparallel to all others in this museum.
I watch again, as the light dances across the surface,
as a flash of heaven erupts from the surface.
continuing its journey of discovery, forever.

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