Charmed | Teen Ink


May 30, 2012
By Cancer2195 GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
Cancer2195 GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
omission is betrayal

your eyes...

one look & im charmed

i remember that night

...we walked through the city lights

&& i was charmed

like a spell put on me

nothing i could think of could compare

it was .... beautiful?different.

this moment was yet so rare..

very few experience feelings i did that night...

your eyes..

they look at me. but see's through me

i smile... you smile....

i think.

this just might be the start of something


precious ..

you grew on me... i grew on you..

i remember coming home and seeing your status "i think i found the one"

that moment was....priceless

but something changed,

something went wrongg

it ended so quick

we were suppose to be life long.

however now all i have it the memories

of the night we spent in the city

the nights in your car

on some random street in beverly..

laughing and arguing..

talking and singing..

i WAS charmed. ?

The author's comments:
this was about this boy named demetri .

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