Reminiscent Rain | Teen Ink

Reminiscent Rain

May 30, 2012
By oniepsuj BRONZE, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
oniepsuj BRONZE, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Warm rain, precise and wonderful
as I spun around and let the sweet salt hit my tongue.
I splashed for hours without a care in the world
and learned how to dream in those puddles.

Warm rain, precise and wonderful
wrapped around us as we joined in a passionate embrace.
I was oblivious of the universe
and learned how to love in those puddles.

Warm rain, precise and wonderful
hits the window pane.
It reminds me of all those sweet moments
when I found myself in those puddles.

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