for you | Teen Ink

for you

June 19, 2012
By Savannah Davanzo BRONZE, Purdys, New York
Savannah Davanzo BRONZE, Purdys, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you have stars in your eyes
and sunshine on your lips,
but I feel the sun when I look at you
and I see stars when we kiss.
you have shackles on your wrists,
chains on your thighs,
and fear on your hips.
I won’t touch you if it makes you scared,
but I just want to hold you,
let you know I care.
I want to offer you my heart
if you would give me yours.
I want to explore you like a map
and put you back together if you snap.
in an ideal world,
it would be you and I forever,
but this world is impractical and so am I,
so I’ll settle for you by my side
even for a couple seconds,
just until better things beckon

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