The Deathly Sleep | Teen Ink

The Deathly Sleep

June 18, 2012
By Babbag BRONZE, Belcamp, Maryland
Babbag BRONZE, Belcamp, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Remember that all worlds draw to an end and that noble death is a treasure which no one is too poor to buy.&rdquo; <br /> ― C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia

I cannot sleep
Far into the night,
I hear the steady swoosh, swoosh
Of my neighbor's breath
Through the wall
I can hear him as he sleeps
I cannot sleep.
I slide out of my rock bed
I push open the door,
I walk onto the cold damp floor.
I look around
And no one's to be found.
Sweetly, gently
I walk into my neighbor's room
And find him sleeping
Awaiting his fated doom.
It was by the moon
That this man's fate is sealed.
Hiss ill fate cannot change,
Nor can mine
The only way I can sleep
Is if he dies.
He must die.
The floor squeals under me,
His eyes fly open,
His mouth is wide
In a silent terrified scream.
I take the tempered chance,
The pickled poison hits it's mark.
Crunch, crunch
The poison takes affect.
Gasp, gasp, gasp
He's gasping for air.
He reaches for me
But I leave.
Back into the hallway
Back into my room
The fated man,
Received his fated doom.
Knowing he was dead
Plopped! On the ground
I lied down on my bed
To rest
My sleepy sinister head.
*cricket* *cricket*
*croak* *croak*

The author's comments:
This piece is based off of the works of Edgar Allan Poe.

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