A Walk in the Park | Teen Ink

A Walk in the Park

May 24, 2012
By CLIFFANN000 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
CLIFFANN000 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is like a walk in the park

You never know what you’ll find

Or who you’ll meet

A stroll down memory lane brings back

Memories-some good, some bad

Wishing in a well or on a star

But stuck in time on a park side bench

Dogs playing, people chatting

The countless busy times in the past

Birds chirping their never ending song

Makes the day not feel very long

Relaxation is the way

It gets us through another day

Bicycles pass like the years going by

Singing Happy Birthday but not for long

A siren rings as it zooms to the hospital
One day we will all meet again
Life is like a walk in the park

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