Courageous Scuba Diver | Teen Ink

Courageous Scuba Diver

July 11, 2012
By Frank Anderson BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
Frank Anderson BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Going as deep as the sea
Can go
So many different fish
To discover
The deeper I go
The more oxygen I lose
With darkness taking
I can’t really see
Dodging sharks and whales
Hiding behind rocks
Already 200 feet deep
I’m thinking to myself
How could I be this

The author's comments:
Dear Teen Ink Editor,

I have been inspired by your publications of young writers’ work and I would like to submit a couple of my memoirs and poems.

As a high school student at Simmons High School in Hollandale, Ms, I have written several memoirs and poems. I am apart of the Delta Writing Project, and over the course of the summer I have really been drawn to writing. As my poems are being read, I hope it influences others to write too.

I am looking forward to your feedback and thank you for your consideration.


Frank A.

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