Too Much To Say.... I love you | Teen Ink

Too Much To Say.... I love you

July 27, 2012
By LadyLala BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
LadyLala BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.<br /> -Marilyn Monroe

How I feel for you
All alone once again
I want you with me
But my hopes are thin
I try and call
I try and Text
But you steady don't answer
So what do i do next?
I just want to be with you
All alone
Wrapped in your arms
By your side
Hand in hand
Just you and I
Walking along the tide
I swear my love you are all mine
But why not text?
Do you think I'm a pest?
If i am well then,
What's next?
So i give you my heart
I just hope you don't break it
'Cuz if you do I'll fall apart
And i don't think my heart can take it.
You make me smile.
So stay awhile
'Cuz your all mine,
And mine is special.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was i thinking of something i had wrote in a short story. This one girl with an unknown beauty has been an outcast because no one can determine her per say. Until she meets this boy, Who is also, unknown. they begin to talk and they exchange phone numbers but the boy doesn't respond because he is shy. they begin to blossom with each other feeding off of each others radiance and she just wants to be with him because he makes her feel special.

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