Every Day... | Teen Ink

Every Day...

July 28, 2012
By Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can be who ever I want to be."

Every day is the same.
Every day I am pretending,
Pretending to be ok, to be
Alright. That everything is
Going to be fine.

People say give it time.
People say I will get over it.
They all say the same things.
They never listen to what I have,
To say to them.

Every single f***ing day...
I fight a battle.
Some I win
I lose badly.
Starting to give up this war.

Every day he toys with me.
Yet he is gone.
He does not know.
Nor does he care.

Every day is a battle.
Every day is a war.
Every single day...

Every day I curl up in pain.
Pain that he caused.

The author's comments:
Every day is a battle to get over what he caused me. Everyday I struggle to win this war.

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