My Promise | Teen Ink

My Promise

August 11, 2012
By LadyLala BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
LadyLala BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.<br /> -Marilyn Monroe

I promisee I will always lift you up
When you begin to feel down
I promisee I'll wipe away your tears
When you're about to cry
I promisee to keep you smiling
So you can show your pretty smile
I promisee to be your strength
When you feel weak
I promisee to be your voice
When you are unable to speak
I promisee to be your ears
When you are lost of words
I promisee to be your eyes
When you are unable to see
I promisee to be your ears
when you are unable to hear
I promisee to always keep it real
When you have to hear the truth
I promisee to be your dream catcher
To chase away your last fear
I promisee to be your smile
When you put up a frown
I promisee to always cheer you up
When you are down & blue
I promisee to give you faith
When you're doubtful & insecure
i promisee to keep you sturdy
When you start to feel unbalanced
I promisee I'll listen
When you want to talk
I promise to speak no lies
Only truth
I promisee to lend my shoulder
For when you have to cry
I promisee to always hold you
When you need somebody
I promisee to care for you always
I promisee to not break your heart
I cannot promisee you the world
I cannot promisee you the sky
I cannot promisee we won't fight
I cannot promisee I will not cry
But I can promisee that I will be true to you and sweetheart i promisee that i will always love you more than anything with all my heart, no matter what happens or what we go through, baby i love you until the end of forever.
I will be your guardian angel.
And that's my promisee to you.

The author's comments:
If a promise ring could speak it would say this. It's not saying that everything will be peaches and daisies. A relationship is work. But if you can over come it, every time the both of you will come out stronger.

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