Suffer in Silence | Teen Ink

Suffer in Silence

August 23, 2012
By HannahD GOLD, Fort Wayne, Indiana
HannahD GOLD, Fort Wayne, Indiana
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion."-Muhammad Ali

Thoughts swirl through your head-
Dancing, burning snowflakes.
The blizzard thickens,
You look out at the calm surrounding you.

The never ending battle of
fire and ice,
black and white,
life and death...

The torture of the screaming storm-
leaving you with nothing.

(Suffer in Silence)

You mustn't speak of the barren and the hopelessness-
(Suffer in Silence)

The pain endured will end -in time-
(Suffer in Silence)

The world doesn't accept, no, understand

(Suffer in Silence)

Your past, love, hopes, and future,
melt away-
The desert grows,
Nothing will satisfy.

(Suffer in Silence)

You mustn't reach out,
You mustn't cry out- help,
You mustn't show weakness.

The thought-
(Suffer in Silence)
of a world-
(Suffer in Silence)
without You-

tastes so sweet,
yet so selfish.

Who are you?

To think that no one would


To believe that it would be


To embrace that you would be


you are You,
and like me,
Suffer in Silence.

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