Her Lullaby | Teen Ink

Her Lullaby

September 22, 2012
By sincerely_jones BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
sincerely_jones BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss

Sometimes I just want to sit here and cry
Cry and wait for my sweet lullaby
My sweet lullaby I know will never come.

Come and let me dry your tears
Your tears run faster than I can catch
I can catch you, remember that.

Remember that time I said ok?
I said ok to the pain inside
Inside my world is crumbling while I fall.

Fall into my arms, I welcome you
You can share your sad stories with me
With me I hope you find happiness.

Happiness never seems like an option
An option I would so gladly take
Take me away to a better me, a better world.

A better world might seem perfect
Perfect is never what I asked you to be
Be mine and I will carry all your problems.

Problems never seem to go away
Away I’ll soar into the sky
The sky will be my home
My home will be in you.

The author's comments:
Every other paragraph, starting with the second one, should be italicized. This is almost like one of those romance movies where the girl is writing something and so is her love and their sentences complete each other's thoughts. I wrote this after a terrible break up and it's one of my favorite pieces by far.

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