Remembrance | Teen Ink


October 5, 2012
By mariahmorton BRONZE, Bristol, Tennessee
mariahmorton BRONZE, Bristol, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Too be, or not too be? That is the question.

Life is too hard to say goodbye.
I never thought it would be so hard; and all I can think is, why?
Even though you are gone that doesn’t mean I will forget you.
Forgetting you would be like forgetting to breath.
It just doesn’t happen.
My life will never be the same and since you are away I have changed.
Knowing that tomorrow is never promised, I try to live each and every day like my last.
You never know when God will choose you?
He might choose you now, or He might choose you later.
The memories I have are still with me today and I promise somehow, someway, I will be with you.
I have shed a few tears only because it doesn’t seem real.
I never really thought of life, until I saw it taken.
I miss you like crazy please believe me.
I know you are up there; way above.
God truly has an “Angel of Love".
IN LOVING MEMORY: Robbie C. (March 15, 1994- February 18, 2012)

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because my cousin's best friend died and he was only seventeen. It really hit me hard and I thought I should write a poem in his memory.

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