Mortal Kombat | Teen Ink

Mortal Kombat

October 17, 2012
By Mmerseal17 BRONZE, Moberly, Missouri
Mmerseal17 BRONZE, Moberly, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two ways of passing from this world - one in light and one in darkness. When one passes in light, he does not come back but when one passes in darkness, he returns.<br /> -Bhagavad Gita

The top of the console opens with a simple click,
The disc pleads me to click it in place,
I fall for the trick, with a swift move I click the cd in place and hit the on button,
The controller stares at me with its red blinking eye,
Its name fit’s, it controls me as I turn it on and begin the game,
It turns me to the new me, the gaming me,
I am no longer me, I am my gaming character,
I am the new me,
Long black hair falls from my scalp,
I either have a pink bandanna over my mouth,
Or I have a dark crimson red outfit,
I have a set of Scimitars,
I’m ready I start the game, my person runs around aimlessly,
It finally happens,
I find a new trainer,
My mother sighs as she sees I am no longer paying attention to her or my book,
She fears it is truly changing me into a new daughter,
She pleads me to take breaks,
I know that I cannot,
For when the disc is in and I have the controller I become the new me, the Mortal Kombat me.

The author's comments:
I love Mortal Kombat and i feel that when i play i feel as if i am in the game.

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