Morning Garden | Teen Ink

Morning Garden MAG

November 21, 2012
By Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Open your eyes before your mouth"

Lingering raindrops,
resting upon the windowsill.
Gently lying,
like peacefully sleeping children.

Blissful beads of heaven-sent peace.

The rain,
gentle as a feather.

Atop the grass,
drops rest,
like an early morning dew.

Hardly evident that a rain ever occurred.

The sun peeks over the horizon,
vibrant rays of yellow and orange.

Warmth filling the garden.

Glistening amidst the sunlight,
drops now rainbows of color.

Flowers blossom with the touch of warmth.
Colors, more vibrant than ever before.

A small creek winds itself through
the scenery,
a peaceful sound,
the flowing of water.

Small animals peek from their dens.
Birds sing with the early morning light.

A turtle troddles by,
Sleepily yet ready,
Much like the scene around.

Leaves, gently cupped,
from which the animals drink.

Whole garden, picturesque.

All because the lingering raindrops,
blissfully resting upon the earth.

The author's comments:
Morning Garden is about the scene in early spring where you check outside from your bedroom window and there, before you, is the garden. Fresh from a light spring rain. Peaceful and still undisturbed.

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