That Fire | Teen Ink

That Fire

November 21, 2012
By Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Open your eyes before your mouth"

Fire licks over logs resting atop one another

Flames of navy and gold, dancing about

The scene blurs, as if a tsunami crashed over a glass wall

Overwhelmed by emotion

A cool tear leaves a trail as it runs down my face, warm from the fire

Love and fear battling about, causing such a commotion its as though two locomotives crash together

The fire outside is only a glimpse into the fire burning inside

The flames cast a light upon my eyes, a small glimmer of hope

A sign that maybe there is something out there

I hold that light in my eyes

A torch too powerful to be extinguished by the waves of tears that roll over

A torch to show everyone, I'm still burning strong

The author's comments:
Written one night after a fight with my girlfriend. I felt really bad. Thought she would leave me. I was afraid and sitting by a fire on a fall evening and was moved to write. It always helps me feel better. Out came this piece that I hope can show inner strength is always there and you should always hold it close and it'll get you through anything.

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