pokemon | Teen Ink


December 6, 2012
By kermitthefrog BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
kermitthefrog BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
we spend all of our time trying to fit in, when we were born to stand out

Charmanders are red. Squirtles are blue. IF you were a pokemon. I'd choose you.Your smile is stronger than a hyperbeam. Like Jesse and James, We'd make the perfect team. I'll stay by your side like Pikachu and Ash, and I'll love you more than a level 80 Rapidash. You're more legendary than a Zapados,Entei, or mew. But out of all 450. I choose you

The author's comments:
One day this just popped in my head while talking with my girlfriend.

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