Spring | Teen Ink


January 18, 2013
By DoubleD78678 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
DoubleD78678 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Then we would go sleep in our bunk beds, Johnny would always get top bunk, I was afraid of rolling out. Then we grew up.<br /> <br /> I miss Savannah, Georgia. I miss that wooden fence. I miss that oak tree and the bunk beds. Johnny and I are older now and much more distant, ever since we left Savannah it hasn&#039;t been the same. We grew up too fast. And I wish we could go back. So we could be brothers again.

A celebration
sports, games, barbeques
Stepping out into the humid air
Feeling the breeze come

Hear the bee's buzzing
Birds chirping
Fish jumping
Cat meowing

Storm clouds pass
The sun shines through
Taking it all in
almost overwhelming

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