When it Happens | Teen Ink

When it Happens

May 28, 2013
By TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
14 articles 1 photo 1 comment

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Don't wait for something to happen, if u want it to happen make it happen-ME

when it happens
I'll be running like the wind through the trees
whispers of the untold will carry in the breeze
the stars will align and God will outstretch his arms to me
and i will run to him
like a child
running to its mother's open arms
when it happens
I'll want to say goodbye
just be there to hold my hand in the midst of it all
just know I'm happier
with the birds and the bees
with the untold stories that carry in the breeze and through
the greenest trees

The author's comments:
death and afterlife

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