My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

August 13, 2013
By Trishta SILVER, Pasadena, California
Trishta SILVER, Pasadena, California
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life&#039;s a b**ch. You&#039;ve got to go out and kick a**. <br /> Maya Angelou

When the despair of the world grows on me, my body panics into a frenzy. Every part of my body excites inside. My heart flutters, my eyes wanders, my mind speaks to me at a thousand miles per hour. Slow down! I just need everything to slow down. Home.
When the despair of the world grown on me, I go home. I run up the carpeted stairs and enter my sanctuary and safe haven. My hand gently opens the white door as my overwhelmed body lets out a deep sigh. My feet sink into the brown carpet under my feet. My paradise lies in front of me, a queen bed.
My body surrenders itself into the warm covers of the purple covers. They keep me safe, wrapped around my body. The scent of vanilla and strawberry swirls around my head mollifying each anxious thought.
The walls which surround my stressed mind are far from bare; they feed ideas. Certificates of achievements are tilted in a casual way, proud but not too proud. Colorful, squiggly, and swirly construction paper spells out “Trishta.” Random stickers spell out different words, “life. ice cream. celebrate.”
Life is ice cream and it is meant to be celebrated. Don't make sense of that. That is simply life.
My mind no longer is rushing at an unbelievable rate. It takes a moment to slow down. I sit up in my soft covers and see a mess. Piles of clothes, eye-masks, earphones, markers, calendars, dictionaries, books, an old lava lamp that never is on, vanilla cream, nail-polish remover, magazines, clipboards, trash cans, all sprawled atop my “study” desk. It doesn't cause anxiety. That's me...
It is safe now. Safe to get up. I walk towards the inviting white window blinds and open them, gazing at the world. The sky rests on top a bed of trees. The white, fluffy clouds are tanning in the sun.
I stay there.. a long time.
Now the sun is ready to sleep. A tree slowly turning darker green, and the sun slowly sinking behind it with an orange, pink, and yellow horizon. The moon is appearing brighter by the moment gently kissing the sun goodnight.
It starts to rain. I close my eyes and hear each unique drop as it clashes would the red-bricked roof. Pitter. Patter.
That is where I like to stay... a long time.

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