Listening | Teen Ink


October 2, 2013
By K.A.Orr BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
K.A.Orr BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” -John Green

I was standing on the edge
ready to jump
to fall
but you talked
and talked and talked and talked and talked
all I could do was listen
I stepped down off the ledge
and said yes
everything started again

You kissed my scars
and Cradled my bruises
and held me as I cried
You stood by my side
Through thick and thin
and I got better
I felt good
I danced and sang and smiled
and you made me feel alive
The summer came and went

and so did you
now the monsters are back
I see them at night
as I lay in bed and try to sleep
but they won’t leave
Now you hold his hand
not mine
and I can’t help but wonder why
Do you even know?
can you see?
how much you destroyed me
I was good, better, doing okay
now i’m worse and barely making it through the day
I miss you
I want to talk to you
tell you everything like i used to
but i can’t
and it hurts so much
too much to bare
the others laugh and smile
and they wonder why i don’t
It’s because i’m back on that edge
and you aren't there to talk
and i’m done listening

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