Death Doesn't Wait | Teen Ink

Death Doesn't Wait

October 13, 2013
By Woolfey BRONZE, Laredo, Texas
Woolfey BRONZE, Laredo, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s Always<br /> A Little TRUTH<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;Just Kidding&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little KNOWLEDGE<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;I Don&#039;t Know&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little EMOTION<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;I Don&#039;t Care&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little PAIN<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;It&#039;s Okay&quot;

Death doesn't wait
Sister once told us about death
Father said that it comes for everyone eventually
But they said that was for sick people
That was what my doctors were telling them
I was a sick person
So did that mean I was going to die?
Sister once told us about death
Father had said there was more than one
Death of sickness
Death of murder
So does that mean I was going to die?
Or was I already dead?
Sister once told us about death
Father once told us it happens when we grow old
Death of hearts
Death of age
But then why’d mom die?
Why did people our age die?
Sister once told us about death
Father once told us that death wasn't something to be scared of
Yet they had been scared
Afraid of moving on
Was that why mom wasn't scared
But why am I scared
Sister once told us about death
Father once told us about death
I once told you about death
I once said
“Death doesn't wait”

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