Abandoned House | Teen Ink

Abandoned House

October 20, 2013
By OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

Sitting in this drafty window broken long ago
the night grows colder on this october night
the decaying process, long and slow
fully taking its toll

The wind breaks through past these shredded drapes
it wraps its breathe around this empty house
creating distorted shapes

Traveling the halls and lurking behind crooked doors
ghostly figures of tragical incidents
still retaining residence
they watch you with continuous vigilance

The walls scream in silence
the floors still accumulating many sores
a home abandoned of all love out of defiance
left for the heartless climate

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