Corruption of the World | Teen Ink

Corruption of the World

October 20, 2013
By OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

Fairytale life, hiding from brutal reality
of all the horrors created by a lifeless society
that eventually lead to eternal mortality

Qualitiless living, composed by what the world has hurled
In the fantasy world screams weave into dreams
in the fantasy world nothing is wrong
silence becomes a scented song
every dying tree manifest into your friend
schizophrenia is a trend

Every creature makes you feel that you belong
scornful parents turn transparent
never again for love will you have to long
never again will you become lost in life's rip current

Questions no longer need an answer
there are no explanations for the unknowns
except that people have become a cancer
sitting high on their self proclaimed thrones

Rules don't exist
there are no boundaries or limits to where you can go
you learn to put up your fist, you resist
you learn that you can say no

In the real world they brainwash you for death and war
you don't have to enlist
they keep you down with debt and chore
so you don't know what they consist, in fear of being dismissed

Your childhood is stolen
time that can't be renewed
to keep their slave force goin'
to make you subdued

Poison added to things you're told are good
they diagnose those who think above the average, with a mental illness
but take a good look around you if you would
you'll see people's sickness
if it can be understood

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