Mindless | Teen Ink


October 20, 2013
By OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

Loyalty is rare in this day and age
Everyone is in a game of rage
They have their hand out up high and ready to stake a claim
But never ready to take their blame
There is no more conscience, nor shame

Life is consumed in a false reality videogame fantasy
Their eyes are all glassy
Too blind to see what's happening
They're being tied up with a string

It's all about lazy convenience
Over reliance on technology
No more time for anyone in the family
Minds are being littered with debris

The season of love and giving has been commercialized
But you might not of ever realized
It's been acustomized
Subliminal greed

Yes, this is the ME generation
Giving up the very things that formed our foundation
A generation of great mutation
False reality of quality life of blind starvation
Leading into criminal temptations
Creative minds forced to stagnation
Putting souls up for donation
This is an age of dictation
With their standard education
Creating great frustration

Don't you realize you're just a puppet dangling from a string
Eventually they'll cut it and let you fall
You have to save yourself, climb down and rise up tall

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