Story from a Pigeon on a Wire | Teen Ink

Story from a Pigeon on a Wire

October 20, 2013
By OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

I am a pigeon bird in a city sitting high on a wire.
Things look different from up here,
looking down at a world so grim and bleak.
Every thing's in motion and so chaotic,
I can't even hear my own tweet.

From up here it's quite a frightening sight.
I am here to see morning, noon, and night,
watching the sun rise and set through the haze.
They act as if they're in a craze.
Humans rush and knock each other down,
while breathing air tinted yellowish-brown.

I see a child off to the side,
it's all skin and bone;
a few feet over, a business man on a new iphone.
On the other side I see a woman holding a baby, crying,
as the husband's with another woman cheating.

Lunch time approaches and I soon hope for a fry,
just something in my stomach to get me by.
I search the concrete and the area around
but all I find is plastic, metal, and old wads of gum.
Litter and dirt are the only things to be found.

While this story I tell seems like a form of hell,
I have a much sadder one to tell.
A month ago I watched my friend meet her fate.
Her baby fell and she went to save it.
They saw her but didn't care, the heart is their deepest pit.
I watched my friend and her baby get hit.

And now the story of my love,
They came and killed some of my kind,
my mate was caught.
I am so distraught.
Humans say we're filthy, diseased, and a nuisance,
should choose another place to live,
but how when there's not a tree around?

I am a pigeon bird sitting high on a wire,
Things look different from up here,
looking down at a world dominated by a species of disease.
Every thing's in motion and so chaotic,
I too, am in disbelief.

From up here it's quite a frightening sight.
I am here to see morning, noon, and night,
watching the sun rise and set through the haze.
They act as if they're in a craze.
Humans rush and knock each other down,
while drinking water tinted reddish-brown.

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