Money Money Everywhere | Teen Ink

Money Money Everywhere

December 20, 2013
By Joan.C BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Joan.C BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Money money everywhere!
What should I buy?
A shiny golden statue?
A private plane or jet?
Maybe a museum in honor of my success?

Money money lots of it!
What should I buy?
Perhaps a butler that knows how to bowl?
Maybe I should buy that golden watch?
Or buy the new Funstation 4 console!

Money in my wallet!
What should I buy?
What about the new Great Theft Auto V videogame?
Or the White Ops II videogame?
I’m in the mood for a hamburger!
Or maybe I should buy some shoes!

Money money nowhere!
Where has it gone?
Perhaps in my bank account
Oh no its gone!
Not a single dollar left!
Next time I will save!

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