Let You Go | Teen Ink

Let You Go

January 23, 2014
By cathylathy101 SILVER, Tustin, Michigan
cathylathy101 SILVER, Tustin, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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*The past. It&#039;s done, it&#039;s unchangeable move on. <br /> *Be strong now because things will get better, it might be stormy now but it can&#039;t rain forever.

I feel lost.
Like a part of me has gone a floated away.
Now that your gone I get that feeling every day.
A piece of my soul is missing.
A hole where you once were.
Although the memories remain,
And the hurt runs deep,
And I'll still love you til the day I die,
I know deep down that it was your time to go.
I just have to accept that fact,
And let you go.

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