Am I Afraid? | Teen Ink

Am I Afraid?

March 5, 2014
By AprilV BRONZE, Monticello, Arkansas
AprilV BRONZE, Monticello, Arkansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;They say my work is just a drop in the ocean. I say the ocean is made up of drops.&rdquo;<br /> &mdash;Mother Teresa

Am I afraid?
I tell myself I’m not afraid.
Then why has nothing changed?
Why am I still sitting here.
Why do I feel stuck?
And I feel like I’m supposed explain
They say what’s understood doesn’t have to be explained
Then what if you don’t understand?
What if i don’t know what I don’t understand?
And it seems I can’t get enough sleep
10 pm fall asleep
Then 8 hours of sleep
7 hours of school I don’t make a peep
Maybe it’s because I’m stressed.
Solving equations in my sleep to prepare for this test.
That I know I’m gonna fail anyway
So why do I continue to stay up late?
And I have to make a decision
Why do I have to make so many decisions?
With so few choices
Choices that either way
I’m gonna hate.
What will I choose
Will I go to that another school
Just to be under a new set of rules
Because I hate rules
And I hate school
People from the state
Say you must do this and do that
Or the rest of your life
Will be bad
Never think to ask
Why are you so mad?
I’m not another statistic
Ever think I’m mad because this isn’t fair
But life’s not fair they say
Get over it
So I hold my breath
And bite my tongue
Fighting a battle
That I know won’t be won
And I can’t learn what I want because
These teacher’s aren’t qualified or certified
And the one’s who are
Think it’s all a waste of time
I guess they have their own life
Girl might have a concussion
Do I see anyone rushing?
Did she really just hit a bus and
Is that the window I see busted?
This woman can’t even drive
And if I had someone I trusted
I would listen to the discussion
But what use is all of this
If I don’t care either way
Teacher’s these days
Lesson 5-1
Polynomial Functions
But I don’t think I need this
To know how to function
Do I look like a mathematician?
You’ll need it they say
To graduate they say
Then what?
For college they say
Then what?
Honestly someone tell me what?
If I don’t want to have a career in mathematics
What do I need this for?
Carbon has 6 protons
Oh wow I feel so accomplished
Right now my world is made up
of empty promises
I promise if you do your best
You’ll be okay
But I don’t know if I’ll wake up
Tomorrow wither way
so why do I spend my time
Copying from the board
Line after line
I feel my brain cells die
Looking at the clock
Watching the time go by
Just wasted another 7 hours
Of my life
Not counting the time
It took on the bus ride

The author's comments:
We're studying poetry in my English class, spoken word poetry especially, and we were told to write a poem. This is the poem I plan on presenting.

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